




It has been a challenging year since my last work was posted but as always, painting was there…paintings were made; found and danced with, yelled at and rejoiced in. With each piece I finished, the task of documenting and posting piled up….and then I decided to redo the whole site. So. Needless to say, I’m very pleased and relieved to have this current entry up and, more or less, completed. To put them altogether into one “super post” seemed both appropriate and necessary; I really would rather be making (and dancing) than sitting at the computer. And ONE in this case, as a concept and a to-do-list, was much more palatable than FOUR. It also brings me a lot of delight to see these works come together and express a year in seasons. I love that process of change…of contrast…of four worlds that feel very differently but reflect the whole of experience and move life forward.

Kate Lucyk

November 2nd, 2015